Full form of Letter A to E (A, B, C, D, E)

Acronyms and Abbreviations of Letter A-E (A, B, C, D, E)

Full form of Letter A

Abbreviation / AcronymFull-Form
AMVAnalytical Method Validation
APIActive Pharmaceutical Ingredient or drug substance
AAIAirport Authority of India
ABGArterial Blood Gas
ABHAAyushman Bharat Health Account
ACAlternating Current,
Air Conditioner
ACCAssociated Cement companies
ACCAAssociation of Certified chartered accountants
ADBAsian Development Bank
ADCAAdvance Diploma in Computer Applications
ADIDASAdolf Adi Dassler
ADSAcquired demyelinating syndrome,
Aiming Down Sights
AIArtificial Intelligence
ALU-ALUAluminum- Aluminum Tablet Packing (Blister Type)
ALUArithmetic Logic Unit
APCArmoured Personnel Carrier
APMCAgricultural Produce Market Committee
ASPCAssam Public Service Commission
ATMAutomated teller machine, Air traffic management
AMAnti Meridiem
ABVPAkhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad
ACCAnalog Control Channel
ACCAdaptive Cruise Control
ACCThe Associated Cement Companies Limited
ACCAutomatic Climate Control
ADAnno Domini
ADAuthorized Dealer
AFAtrial Fibrillation
AIDSAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIIMSAll India Institute of Medical Sciences
AM / PMAM: Anti Meridiem,
PM: Post Meridiem
AMCAnnual Maintenance Contract
AMCArthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita
AMCAmerican Motors Corporation
ANIAsian News International
ANIAutomatic Number Identification
APBSAadhaar Payment Bridge System
APLAbove Poverty Line
APLAutomatic Programming Language
ASAPAs Soon As Possible
ASHAAccredited Social Health Activist
ATMAutomatic Teller Machine
ATPAdenosine Triphosphate
ATSAnti-Terrorism Squad
A/C Air Conditioning
A/F Air Fuel Ratio
A&ASAccount & Audit Section
A2AAsk to Answer
AAAAuthentication Authorization, Account
AAC Advanced Audio Coding
AAT Ambient Air Temperature
ABCAmerican Broadcasting Company
ABEDAArab Bank for Economic Development in Africa.
ABMAnti Ballistic Missile
ABPAnanda Bazaar Patrika News
ABSAnti-lock Braking System
ACDAutomatic Call Distributor
ACEExcellent or Great
ACER“sharp, acute, able and facile” in Latin
ACFAuto Correlation Function.
ACLFAdditional Collateralised Lending Facility
ACMAirbag Control Module
ACPI Advanced Configuration And Power Interface
ACSAutomated Clearing System.
ACUAsian Currency Union
ADFAutomated Data Flow
ADHDAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADIDASFrom the name of the founder Adolf (Adi) Dassler.
ADOBEFrom the Adobe Creek that ran behind the house of co-founder John Warnock.
ADRAmerican Depository Receipt.
ADTVAverage Daily Trading Volume
AEPSAadhaar Enabled Payments Switch
AFSAlways Forever and Seriously
AFSAnnual Financial Statement
AGMAnnual General Meeting
AHRCAsian Human Rights Commission
AIArtificial Intelligence
AIAAAAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AICAgricultural Insurance Company.
AICTEAll India Council for Technical Education
AIDBsAll India Development Banks
AIFAlternative Investment Fund
AIFIsAll India Financial Institutions
AJAXAsynchronous JavaScript and XML
AKAAlso Known As
AKAIFrom the name for its founder, Saburo Akai.
ALCOAsset Liability Committee
ALMAsset Liability Management
ALSAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
ALT Alternate
AM / FM Amplitude/ Frequency Modulation
AMAAsk Me Anything
AmazonBezos Wanted A Name For His Company That Began With “A” And He Took The Name Amazon
AMDAdvance micro devices.
AMEXAmerican Express
AMFLAssociation of Mutual Funds in India.
AMIEAssociate Member of the Institution of Engineers
AMLAcute Myeloid Leukemia
AMLAnti-Money Laundering
AMPSAdvanced Mobile Phone Service
AMRAdaptive Multi-Rate Codec
AMRMSAudit and Risk Monitoring Mechanism
AMULAnand Milk Union Limited
AMWAsian Motors Limited
ANBCAdjusted Net Bank Credit
ANMAuxiliary Nurse Midwifery
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
AOLAmerican Online.
AP Access Point
APACSAssociation of Payment and Clearing Services
APCAmerican Power Conversion
APIApplication Programming Interface
APJ Abdul KalamAvul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam
APKAndroid Application Package
APM Advanced Power Management
APNAccess Point Name.
APPLEAsian Passenger Payload Experiment.
APSFCAndhra Pradesh State Financial Corporation
ARAIAutomotive Research Association of India
ARCILAsset Reconstruction Company of India Limited
ARCsAsset Reconstruction Companies
ARDSAcute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
ARMDAge-Related Macular Degeneration
ARPANET Advanced Research Project Agency Network
ASAICAs Soon As I Can
ASATAnti-satellite weapons
ASBAApplications Supported Bank Accounts
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASEANAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations
ASG  Automatic Shift Gearbox
ASLTell me your Age, Sex, and Location
ASLVAugmented Satellite Launch Vehicle
ASP Active Server Pages
ASRAutomated Speech Recognition
ASSOCHAMAssociated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India.
ASTMAmerican Society for Testing and Materials
ASUSNamed after Pegasus, the winged horse of Greek mythology.
AT& TAmerican Telephone and Telegraph Company
ATAAdvanced Technology Attachment
ATIArray Technologies Incorporated
AUCAuthentication Centre
AUDIFrom The Surname of The Founder August Horch (Audi, in Latin)
AUOI don’t know
AVI Audio Video Interleave
AWACSAirborne Warning and Control System
AWD All Wheel Drive
AYUSHAyurvedic, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy
A.R. No.Actual Receipt Number
APIActive Pharmaceutical Ingredient
ADAnalytical Development
ATRAttenuated Total Reflection (IR Spectroscopy)
ANVISAPortuguese: Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, Anvisa- The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency
ARVAfter repair value
ADIAcceptable daily intake
Acronyms and Abbreviations of Letter A

Full form of Letter B

Abbreviation /
Full Form
B.EdBachelor of Education
B.TechBachelor of Technology
BABachelor of Arts, British Airways
BAMSBachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
BBABachelor of Business Administration
BCABachelor of Computer Application
BCCIBoard of Control for Cricket in India
BCGBacillus calmette Guerin
BDSBachelor Of Dental Surgery
BHKBedroom, Hall and Kitchen
BISBureau of Indian Standards
BJPBharatiya Janata Party
BMIBody Mass Index
BPOBusiness Process Outsourcing
BSCCBihar Student Credit Card
BTSBang Tan Sonyeondan
BAEBefore Anyone Else
BASICBeginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BBCBritish Broadcasting Corporation
BCBilling Center
BCBefore Christ
BCABachelor of Computer Applications
BCCBlind Carbon Copy- In mail (Contat Hiden from Receiver)
BDOBlock Development Office
BFFBest Friends Forever
BHMSBachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery
BIOSBasic Input Output System
BISBank for International Settlements.
bitBinary digit
BITBachelor of Information Technology
BMRBatch Manufacturing Records
BMRBasal Metabolic Rate
BMSBachelor of Management Studies
BMSBusiness Management System
BMWBayerische Motoren Werke (In German)- Car Manufacturer
BMWBavarian Motor Works
BPLBelow Poverty Line- In india BPL Card is available
BPLBritish Physical Laboratories Group
BPLBritish Process Laboratory
BPCLBharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
BPTBachelor of Physiotherapy
BRBBe Right Back
BSCBachelor of Science (B.Sci)
BSCBase Station Controller
BSNLBharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
BTCBasic Training Certificate
BTSBangtan Sonyeondan
BTSBase Transceiver Station
B.ComBachelor of Commerce
BABachelor of Arts
BACSBankers Automated Clearing System
BARCBhaba Atomic Research Center
BBLBe Back Later
BBNBe Back Never
BBRBank Base Rate
BBSBe Back Soon
BCBSBasel Committee on Banking Supervision
BCEBefore Common Era
BCHBroadcast Channel
BCPBranch Credit Plan
BCSBIBanking Codes and Standards Board of India
BEBachelor of Engineering
BenQBringing Enjoyment N Quality (An electronic Company)
BERBit Error Rate
BFBoy Friend
BFSBoard of Financial Supervision
BFSIBanking, Financial Services, and Insurance
BHIMBharat Interface for Money
BHPBrake Horse Power
BHWBell & Howell Company
BIFRBoard of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
BKUBhartiya Kisan Union
BLBCBlock-Level Bankers Committee
BLOBBinary Large Object
BMDBone Mineral Density
BMEPBrake Mean Effective Pressure
BMP Bitmap
BMTBone Marrow Transplant
BOBanking Ombudsman
BOBBank of Baroda
BODBoard of Directors
BODMASBracket, of, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction
BOEBill of Exchange
BOIBank of India
BOPBalance of Payments
BORBank of Rajasthan
BOSSBusiness Organizer Scheduling System
BOTBack On Topic
BOTBuild, Operate and Transfer
BPCBenefits Processing Corp
BPLRBenchmark Prime Lending Rate
BR ActBanking Regulations Act, 1949.
BRDBlu-Ray Disc
BRICSBrazil Russia India China And South Africa
BROBorder Road Organization
BSBase Station
BSEBombay Stock Exchange
BSFBorder Security Force
BSFCBrake Specific Fuel Consumption
BSRBasic Statistical Returns.
BTWBy the Way
BUNBlood Urea Nitrogen
BANBritish approved name
bpBoiling point
BPBritish pharmacopoeia
BSBritish Standard (specification)
BSIBritish standards institution
Acronyms and Abbreviations of Letter B

Full Forms List C

Abbreviation / AcronymFull-Form
CROClinical Research Organization
CROContract Research Organization
CCFChange Control Form
CAChartered Accountant
CAACitizen Amendment Act
CABCitizen amendment Bill
CACPCommission for Agricultural costs and prices
CBICentral Beuro of Investigation, Central Bank of India
CBSECentral Board of Secondary Education
CCCubic Centimeter, Carbon Copy, Credit card, Country code
CCTVClosed-Circuit Television
CDCompact Disc
CDNContent Delivery Network
CDSCombined Defence Services
CIPETCentral Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology
COMPUTERCommon Operating Machine Purposely used for Technological and Educational research
COPAComputer Operator and Programming Assistant
COVID 19Coronavirus Disease
CPUCentral Processing Unit
CPWDCentral Public works Department
CRYChild Rights and You
CSCCommon Service Centres
CSKChennai Super Kings
CSOCentral Statistics Office
CSPCustomer Service Point
CTOChief Technology Officer
CVCurriculum Vitae
CCTVClosed Circuit Television
CADComputer Aided Design
CADCurrent Account Deficit
CAGComptroller and Auditor General
CAIIBCertified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers
CBCComplete Blood Count
CCCarbon Copy
CCCCourse on Computer Concepts
CCDCafé Coffee Day
CCEContinuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
CDCertificate of Deposit
CD or CDRCredit Deposit Ratio
CDPOChild Development Project Officer
CDSChief of Defence Staff
CDSCredit Default Swap
CFOChief Financial Officer
CGLCombined Graduate Level (SSC-CGL)
CGLCommercial General Liability
CGPACumulative Grade Point Average
CIFCustomer Information File
CMOChief Medical Officer
CMOChief Marketing Officer
CNCComputerized Numerical Control
ComputerNo, but can be termed as Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research
COVID-19Corona Virus Disease 2019
CPCTComputer Proficiency Certification Test
CPRCardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
CPTCommon Proficiency Test
CRISILCredit Rating and Information Services of India Limited
CRTCathode Ray Tube
CSSCascading Style Sheets
CSTCentral Sales Tax
CSTChhatrapati Shivaji Terminus- Mumbai Airport
CSTCentral Standard Time
CTCCost To Company
CTSCheque Truncation System
CTSClear to Send
C.I ENGINECompression Ignition Engine
CAAPCapital Adequacy Assessment Process
CABGCoronary Artery Bypass Graft
CAGRCompound Annual Growth Rate
CAMELSCapital, Assets, Management, Earnings, Liquidity, and Systems and Control
CARCapital Adequacy Ratio
CARECredit Analysis and Research Limited
CASACurrent and Savings Accounts
CASIOFrom the name of its founder, Kashio Tadao
CATCommon Admission Test
CBCanara Bank
CBICentral Bureau of Investigation- Govt. of India
CBICentral Bank of India- Govt. of India
CBICommon Bank of India
CBLO Collateralized Bank Lending Obligations
CBRConstant Bit Rate
CBSCore Banking Solution
CBTComputer-Based Terminal
CCCash Credit
CCCubic Capacity
CCCarbon Copy- In mail old year people add Carbon copy to send a same copy to other so CC used in now a day in Mail communication
CCBCentral Co-operative Bank
CCILClearing Corporation of India Limited
CCLCash Credit Limit
CCVTIControlled Combustion Variable Timing Ignition
CD-ROMCompact Disk – Read Only Memory
CD-RWCompact Disc-Rewritable
CDBCaribbean Development Bank
CDBSCommittee of Direction on Banking Statistics
CDFSCompact Disc File System
CDGCDMA Development Group
CDICapacitor-Discharge Ignition
CDMACode Division Multiple Access
CDRCorporate Debt Restructuring
CDRCall Detail Record
CDRS Corporate Debt Restructuring
CEDCentre For Entrepreneurship Development
CEOChief Executive Officer
CEPAComprehensive Economic Partnership Management.
CFAChartered Financial Analyst
CFLCompact fluorescent Lamp
CFMSCentralised Funds Management System
CFRACombined Finance and Revenue Accounts.
CFSCommittee on The Financial System
CFTComplement Fixation Test
CGIComputer Generated Imagery
CGRACurrency and Gold Revaluation Account.
CHAPSClearing House Automated Payment System
CHFCongestive Heart Failure
CIACentral Intelligence Agency
CIBILCredit Information Bureau (India) Limited
CIDCrime Investigation Department
CIIConfederation of Indian Industry
CISCOComputer Information System Company.
CISFCentral Industrial Security Force
CLASSCompiled java program- often used as class extension
CLBCompany Law Board
CLFCollateralised Lending Facility
CMACredit Monitoring Analysis
CMACollateral Management Agreement
CMD Command
CMISCurrency Management Information System
CMLChronic Myelogenous Leukemia
CMPCurrent Market Price
CMSContent Management System
CMYKCyan Magenta Yellow Black
CNCore Network
CNGCompressed Natural Gas
CNPCard Not Present
COBClose of Business
COBCorporation Bank
COBOLCommon Business Oriented Language (programming language)
COCA-COLADerived from the coca leaves and kola nuts used as flavoring- A Beverage Company
CAPACorrective Action and Preventive Action
COACertificate of Analysis
CDERCenter for Drug Evaluation and Research
C.ECalculation Error
CQACorporate Quality Assurance
CASChemical abstract service
cfuColony-forming unit
cm2Square centimeter(s)
cm3Cubic centimeter(s)
cmcCritical micelle concentration
CNSCentral nervous system
CTFACosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association
Acronyms and Abbreviations of Letter C

Full Forms List D

Abbreviation / AcronymFull-Form
DBSDevelopment Bank of Singapore
DBTDirect Benefit Transfer
DCDirect Current, Data Compression, Deputy Commissioner, District of Columbia, Detective Comics
DCADiploma in Computer Applications
DCEDiploma in Civil Engineering
DCIMData centre information management, Digital camera images
DELLDigital Electronic Link Library or
Dell Technology
DESTData entry Skill test, data entry speed test
DNADeoxyribonucleic acid
DNSDomain Name System
DRCCDistrict Registration cum Counselling Centre
DRDODefence research and development organization
DRMDigital Rights management, Divisional Railway Manager
DRSDrag Reduction System
DRSDecision Review System
DSPDeputy Superintendent of Police
DTPDesktop publishing or distributed transaction processing
DSLRDigital single-lens reflex
DP Display Picture
DADearness Allowance
DADistrict Attorney
DCADiploma in Computer Application
DDITDharmsinh Desai Institute of Technology (Dharmsinh Desai University), Nadiad Gujarat
DDTDichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane
DJDisc Jockey
DJA South Indian movie
DLFDelhi Land and Finance- A Construction Company
DLFDavid Lynch Foundation
DNBDiplomate of National Board
DPDisplay Picture
DPData Processing
DPDown Payment (For Loan or A type of Advance Payment for Booking)
DPTDiphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus
DSCDigital Signature Certificate
DSLDigital Subscriber Line
DSTDepartment of Science & Technology
DTPDesktop Publishing
DTPDistributed Transaction Processing
DTaPDiphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis Virus Vaccine
DVDDigital Video Disc
DVDDigital Versatile Disc
D/RDistance to Reuse Ratio
DAMPSDigital Advance Mobile Phone Service
DAP Download Accelerator Plus
DAT Digital Audio Tape
DBDena Bank- Govt. India Bank
DCData Compression or
Direct Current
DCDelhi Capitals- IPL Team
DCBDevelopment Credit Bank
DCCDigital Color Code
DCCBDistrict Central Cooperative Banks
DCPDistrict Credit Plan
DDDemand Draft
DDDelhi Daredevils- IPL Team Renamed as Delhi Capitals
DDISDirect Diesel Injection System
DDMDistrict Development Manager
DEAFDepositor Education and Awareness Fund
DEL Delete
DFIDevelopment Financial Institutions
DFIDigital Fuel Injection
DFIDDepartment For International Development
DGS  Direct Shift Gearbox
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHLDalsey Hillblom Lynn
DI ENGINEDirect Injection Engine
DICGCDeposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
DICORDirect Injection Common Rail
DIGDeputy Inspector General
DIGGFrom “ Diggnation ”
DIRDifferential Interest Rate
DIYDo it Yourself
DJDDegenerative Joint Disease
DMDirect Message
DMARTCame from the owner name Ramakrishna DAMANI
(Its a Avenue Supermarts Limited)
DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act
DNPDDerivatives and New Products Departments
DOC Document (Microsoft Corporation)
DOHCDouble Overhead Camshaft
DOSDisk Operating System
DPDisplay Picture- For WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook or any social app.
D.P.A South Korean streaming television series
DPGDeferred Payment Guarantee
DPIDots Per Inch
DPIDirect Programming Interface
DPIDye penetrant inspection
DPIDry-powder inhaler (Aerosol Products)
DPIDual-polarization interferometry 
DPIDeep packet inspection
DPNDemand Promissory Note
DPsDepository Participants
DR!Beneficiaries of Differential Interest Rate
DRATDebt Recovery Appellate Tribunal
DRIDifferential Rate Of Interest
DRTDebt Recovery Tribunals
DS GroupDharampal Satyapal Group
DSCRDebt Service Coverage Ratio
DTAData Transfer Adapter
DTAADouble Taxation Avoidance Agreement.
DTCDigital Traffic Channel
DTS-FIDigital Twin Spark Fuel Injection
DTS-iDigital Twin Spark Ignition
DTS-SiDigital Twin Spark Swirl Induction
DVCDamodar Valley Corporation
DVTDeep Vein Thrombosis
DVX Divx Video
DMFDrug Master File
dParticle diameter
d1010 percentiles diameter
d5050 percentiles diameter
d9090 percentile diameter
D&CDesignation applied in USA to dyes permitted for use in drugs and cosmetics
DoHDepartment of Health (UK)
DSCDifferential scanning calorimetry
Acronyms and Abbreviations of Letter D

Full Forms List E

Abbreviation / AcronymFull-Form
EBRTExternal Beam Radiation Therapy
ECGElectro cardio diagram
EDEnforcement Directorate
EDDEstimated date of delivery
EmailElectronics Mail
EMFElectromotive Force
ENTEar Nose Throat
EPSEncapsulated PostScript
EUEuropean Union
ERPEnterprise Resource Planning
ECGElectro Cardio Gram
EDPElectronic Data Processing
EDPEntrepreneurship Development Programme
EmailElectronic mail
EMIEquated Monthly Instalment
ENTEar Nose Throat- A Doctor
EPCEngineering, Procurement, and Construction
ETAEstimated Time of Arrival
ETCEt cetera
EVMElectronic Voting Machine
EVSEnvironmental Studies
EWSEconomically Weaker Section
EWSEarly Warning System
EAElectronic Arts
EADBEast African Development Bank.
EBExa Byte
eBayOrigin from “Echo Bay”- Shopping Site
EBDElectronic Brakeforce Distribution
EBRDEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
EBVEpstein – Barr virus
EC ENGINEExternal Combustion Engine
ECBExternal Commercial Borrowings
ECBEnclosed Circuit Breaker- A Safety Switch
ECCExcise Control Code
ECDEuropean Central Bank
ECEElectronic and Communication Engineering
ECREmigration Check Required
ECSElectronic Clearing Service
ECSElectronic Clearing System- It’s a Banking Process
ECSEnhanced Chip Set
ESCEuropean Society of Cardiology
ECSEarly Career Scientists- About Career
ECSEarly Childhood Services
ECTElectroconvulsive Therapy
EDFExport Development Fund
EDGEEnhanced Data Rates for GSM (Global System for Mobile) Evolution
EDIElectronic Data Interchange
EEEElectrical and Electronics Engineering
EEFCExchange Earners’ Foreign Currency
EEPROMElectronic Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EFTElectronic Funds Transfer
EFTPOSElectronic Funds Transfer At Point Of Sale
EGRExhaust Gas Recirculation
EIBEuropean Investment Bank.
EiB Exbi Byte
EIREquipment Identity Register
EJBEnterprise Java Bean
ELSSEquity Linked Saving Scheme
ENIACElectronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
EODEnd of the Day
EPFOEmployee Provident Fund Organization
EPOSElectronic Point of Sale
EPSEarnings per Share
EPSONNamed from “Son of Electronic Printer”
ERICSSONNamed after its founder Lars Magnus Ericsson
ERNETEducation and Research Network
ESCElectronic Stability Control
ESCEscape- Keyboard Switch
ESIEmployee’s State Insurance
ESICEmployees State Insurance Corporation
ESMREnhanced Specialized Mobile Radio
ESOPEmployee Stock Options
ETDMAExtended Time Division Multiple Access
ETFsExchange-Traded Funds- A type of Mutual funds
EVRVElectronic Vacuum Regulator Valve
EXIMExport-Import Bank of India.
Exp. DateExpiry Date
ECEuropean community
EINECSEuropean Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical
Acronyms and abbreviations for Letter E

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms and Abbreviations of Letter A-E (A, B, C, D, E)

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