ANVISA is full form is Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (in Portuguese).
- The National Health Surveillance Agency, or ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária), is the Brazilian regulatory body in charge of food, cosmetics, cigarettes, medicines, health services, and medical devices, among other things.
- It is a Brazilian government regulatory organisation that was established in 1999 during the presidency of Fernando Henrique Cardoso. It is in charge of pharmaceutical drug control and approval, as well as sanitary standards and food sector regulation.
- The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa) is an autarchy affiliated with the Ministry of Health and serves as the coordinator of the Brazilian Health Regulatory System (SNVS), which is present throughout the country.
- Brazil is the world’s biggest buyer of pesticides.
ANVISA Responsibilities:
- Market approval for products prior to its delivery to consumers, manufacturing, market introduction
- Inspections to confirm manufacturing quality; To check products’ post-market and post-use activities (monitoring, oversight, complaints’ receipt, etc.)
- To verify oversight/error to enforce compliance with hygienic regulations
- Controlling the import, export, and circulation of health-related chemicals and items
- Outpatient care (regular or emergency) and hospitalisation; diagnostic support and therapeutic treatments involving the incorporation of new technology are all regulated by the government.
- Coordination of special monitoring programmes for regulated items and services
- Formed: 26th January 1999
- Jurisdiction: Federative Republic of Brazil
- Headquarters: Brasília, Brazil
For ANVISA guidelines: Click Here
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