Fullform of ACCA

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants is fullform of ACCA.

  •  Conformation: 30th, November 1904; 117 times ago
  •  Purpose: Education and training of members
  • Headquarters: London, United Kingdom (UK)
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

 Advantages of ACCA Certification

  • The benefits of it instrument are innumerous.
  • You can add it to the end of your name. As a “Chartered Certified Accountant”, you can work in a variety of fiscal and directorial fields and earn a good living.
  • Your chances of chancing profitable job possibilities ameliorate dramatically.
  • When compared to MBA or similar degree holders, your expansive skill set would bring you briskly supplements and elevations in a tenured employment.
  • You can indeed start your own consultancy business. Because your moxie is not confined to finance.


 To come an ACCA member, an aspirant must complete the following tasks

  • Attempt and pass 13 tests (it allows up to 9 paper immunity depending on the seeker’s once experience).
  • Record 36 months of applicable work experience. The seeker can gain experience before, during, or after the qualification is completed.
  • Complete the session on Ethics and Professional Chops.
  • It has three situations of studies and examinations Applied Knowledge, Applied Chops, and Strategic Professional.

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