What are theoretical plate numbers (N)?
Number of theoretical plates (N): It is one index used to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of chromatographic columns. A number of theoretical plates (N) are an indirect measure of peak width (W) for a substance peak at a specific retention time (tR).
For Gaussian peaks, it is calculated by:
Number of theoretical plates N = 16 [Retention Time (tR) / Peak Width (Wb) ] 2
N= 5.545 [Retention Time (tR) / Peak Width (Wh) ] 2
tR =Retention time of the substance
W =Peak width at its base, obtained by extrapolating the relatively straight sides of the peak to the baseline.
Theoretical plate numbers (N):
- The number of theoretical plates (N) is determined by the substance to be chromatographed as well as the working conditions,, such as
- The flow rate and
- Temperature (°C) of the mobile phase or carrier gas in GC,
- The quality of the packing,
- The uniformity of the packing within the column, and,
- For capillary columns, the thickness of the stationary phase film and the internal diameter and length of the column.
- The higher the number of plates in a chromatographic system, the more difficult it is to handle separation problems. The number of plates can theoretically be increased by utilising a longer column.
Related: Principle of HPLC (Liquid Chromatography)
The height equivalent to a theoretic (HETP)
The height equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP) = L/N
- L= Column length
- N= Number of theoretical plates
The lower the HETP, the better the resolution (R) and the more efficient the substance separation. Efficiency is improved when N is maximized and HETP is minimized.
Related: Difference Between C18 and C8 HPLC Column
Read More:
- GAMP Guideline
- Acronyms and Abbreviations
- Alcohol Dose Dumping
- Documentation Practice (GDP) & ALCOA++
- Female Infertility
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
- In-Vitro-Fertilization (IVF)
- Tablet Friability
- Gas Chromatography Columns
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