Calibration of Disintegration Apparatus (DT)

Calibration of Disintegration Apparatus (DT):

Calibration of DT includes the Sensor calibration, Strokes and Timer calibration. Details are as described below,

A. Calibration of the temperature (Sensor Calibration):

Calibration of the sensor should be performed by an external certified agency or a Highly calibrated Thermometer on below Temperature (°C),

Acceptance criteria:

Set ValueAcceptance Criteria
30°C28-32 °C

B. Calibration of strokes (up/down cycle):

Calibration of stroke should be performed by setting 1 min and count the strokes. Perform the calibration Three time and take a average. Acceptance limit are as shown below,

Limits: 29-32 strokes per minute.

C. Calibration of timer:

Calibration of the Timer of DT shall be measured by means of a calibrated stopwatch. Perform the calibration Three time for each set time. Limit is described below,

Acceptance criteria:

Sr. No.Set Time (in Min.)Limit (For Stop Watch) (min:sec)
1100:59 – 00:61
2504:55 – 05:05
31009:50 – 10:10
41514:45 – 15:15

Calibration Frequency: The disintegration Apparatus should be calibrated yearly basis.

Disintegration Apparatus (DT)

Cleaning of Disintegration Apparatus (DT):

  • Remove water from the water bath periodically and clean the instrument and bath with clean and dry cloth.
  • Use mild detergents for cleaning of the disintegration assembly

Read More:

  1. Alcohol Dose Dumping
  2. Methods to Compare Dissolution Profiles
  3. 21 CFR 11
  4. Documentation Practice (GDP) & ALCOA++
  5. Peak Purity

More Topic on:

  1. Quality Assurance
  2. Analytical Development or Quality Control
  3. Formulation Development
  4. Health Topic
  5. For Vitamins & Minerals: 





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