What is antiseptic?
- Definition of an antiseptic: It is an antimicrobial agent that stops or inhibits the action or growth of microorganisms. They are mainly used in hospitals and other medical situations to decrease the risk of infection during surgery and other wound-healing procedures.
- Different types of antiseptics are used by medical professionals.
- Hand rubs,
- Hand washes, and
- Skin preparations.
- They are not injected into the Human body like other drugs, rather they are applied on the surface of the skin to heal the living tissues in case of wounds and cuts.
What are the Types of Antiseptics?
Common types are:
- Chlorhexidine and other biguanides
- Antibacterial dye.
- Peroxide and permanganate
- Halogenated phenol derivative
Antiseptic examples or antiseptic drugs
- Dettol and Savlon- Most commonly used antiseptic that is a mixture of chloroxylenol and terpineol. Iodoform is similarly used as an antiseptic.

What’s the difference between an antiseptic, a disinfectant, and a disinfectant?
- Both antiseptics and disinfectants destroy microbes, and many people confuse the two. Antiseptics are also known as skin disinfectants, which adds to the confusion.
- However, antiseptics and disinfectants are not the same item. Antiseptics are used on living surfaces, while disinfectants are used on non-living surfaces like countertops, Tables, handrails, and staircases.
- In a clinical context, for instance, a doctor will administer an antiseptic to the surgery site on a patient’s body and sterilize the operating theatre with a disinfectant.
- Biocides, which are chemical agents that destroy microbes, are found in both antiseptics and disinfectants.
- Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is an case of a common component in both antiseptics and disinfectants.
- Antiseptics normally contain lower concentrations of biocides than disinfectants. Anyone can use the same chemical as a disinfectant and an antiseptic by variable its concentration. For example, phenol can be used as an antiseptic if its concentration is 0.2 % but if it is used as 1% than comes as disinfectant.
- Antibiotics: These are the medically proven medicine which are taken orally to prevent and fight against microbes. Where, Antiseptic and Disinfectant will not prevent the growth of microbes.
What are the examples of Disinfectant?
Lysol is commonly used disinfectant in home.
There are the some name of Chemical Disinfectants
- Alcohol.
- Chlorine and chlorine compounds.
- Formaldehyde.
- Glutaraldehyde.
- Hydrogen peroxide.
- Iodophors.
- Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA)
- Peracetic acid.
What are the 2 Types of disinfectant?
Types of disinfectants include:
- Air disinfectants: Chemical chemicals used to kill microorganisms suspended in the air are referred to as aerosols. A disinfectant spray is another name for it.
- Alcohol: Ethanol is the best example in this instance.
- Aldehydes : Formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde- Mainly used for as fungicides
- Oxidizing agents: Electrolyzed water or “Anolyte”, Hydrogen peroxide, Ozone, Potassium permanganate (KMnO4)
- Peroxy and peroxo acids: Peroxycarboxylic acids and inorganic peroxo acids
- Phenolics: Phenol, Thymol, Hexachlorophene
- Quaternary ammonium compounds: benzalkonium chloride
- Inorganic compounds: Chlorine, Iodine, Acid and Base.
- Non-chemical : UV radiation, Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation, Heat Sterilization
Cleaning in Pharmaceuticals floor:
2.5 % v/v Dettol solution and 50 ml phenyl in 5L of Purified water has been used for cleaning purpose.
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Uniformity of Dosage Units (UOD)
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